Brian Ahearn : Why some individuals much more persuasive than others?

Why some individuals much more persuasive than others? It often comes down to what they do before they attempt to influence people. This nuanced approach, known as “pre-suasion”, is about setting the stage before the ask. 

Brian Ahearn, a globally recognized authority on influence, and one of only a dozen Cialdini certified trainers in the world, shared the nuance of this influence approach at TEDx New Albany.

Robert Cialdini, PhD, the most cited living social psychologist on the science of ethical influence, believes “pre-suasion” is the factor that sets persuasion masters apart from the rest when it comes to their ability to influence people. 

In his TEDx presentation, Ahearn simplifies pre-suasion as the best way to “Setting the Stage for Success and Happiness.” Using a blend of personal stories and science, he introduced the audience to three brain rules around pre-suasion: attention, mindsets, and triggers.

The first rule of pre-suasion is about attention. In our information-overloaded society, merely grabbing attention is insufficient. The ability to direct attention can make or break persuasion. After all, if you don’t have someone’s attention, it won’t matter how good your case is.

Next, Ahearn explores the role mindsets play in decision making. Where people are emotionally, physically, and mentally, can have a huge impact on their responses. To illustrate this, Ahearn shared a personal story of how he helped a colleague reframe nerves to excitement, which led a personal and professional breakthrough.

Finally, Ahearn explored triggers, are the often-subtle cues that shape mindsets and and decisions. Sights, sounds, and surroundings all impact how we think, feel, and behave. For example, the colors we see or the music we hear, are small changes that can make big differences in the decisions people make. 

Something that differentiated Ahearn’s talk from many other TEDx presentations was his story of using pre-suasion in the most important ask of his life: proposing to his wife. This touching anecdote, culminating in his wife of 36 years joining him on stage, underscored the profound impact of pre-suasion in our personal happiness as well as professional success.

Are you looking to amplify your influence? Would hearing “Yes!” sooner and more often help you at home and the office? If so, Brian Ahearn’s insights on pre-suasion might be just what the doctor (Cialdini) ordered. Brian’s TEDx presentation will give you actionable ideas to help you hear “Yes!” more consistently and easily.

Over a million people now know about pre-suasion, but do you? Brian Ahearn’s TEDx talk is one you can’t afford to miss because his strategies and stories are sure to inspire and resonate.

About Brian Ahearn

Brian Ahearn, the founder of Influence PEOPLE, LLC, is one of only a dozen people in the world personally trained and certified by Robert Cialdini, PhD. The author of three books on the topic, Brian is also a LinkedIn Learning course creator. An international keynote presenter, more than a million people have already seen his TEDx talk.

Contact or 614.313.1663

Robert Lee

Robert Lee is a distinguished political correspondent who brings a wealth of experience from covering national and international affairs. His perceptive analysis and thorough reporting have established him as a reliable voice in the realm of political journalism. An astute observer of political institutions and mechanisms, Robert offers a unique insight into power dynamics and global influences. As an influential author for CEO Times Magazine, he continues to shed light on important political narratives.

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