Rise of the taster bottle: UK consumers opt for quality 

Rising preference is said to be driven by a wish to be healthier and is fuelling the trend for 100ml taster bottles.
Rising preference is said to be driven by a wish to be healthier and is fuelling the trend for 100ml taster bottles.

Rising preference is said to be driven by a wish to be healthier and is fuelling the trend for 100ml taster bottles.


In a notable shift, British consumers are embracing smaller portions of high-quality beverages, driving a trend for 100ml taster bottles. 

Industry experts attribute this change to a desire for healthier drinking habits, with an increasing number of UK consumers, especially teenagers and young people, choosing moderation. 

The trend is further fueled by financial factors, making premium products more accessible with lower cost barriers to entry.

Health-Conscious Choices and Moderation Trends

Consumers’ desire for moderation and healthier lifestyles is influencing their beverage choices, leading to the popularity of smaller pack formats. 

This shift is evident in the alcohol industry, where the demand for 100ml taster bottles is on the rise. Notably, the trend aligns with decreasing alcohol consumption among UK teenagers and young individuals.

Financial Factors and Convenience

Smaller pack formats are not only seen as conducive to moderation but also address financial considerations. 

The appeal of trying new products or categories without committing to larger quantities is driving the popularity of 100ml taster bottles. This approach lowers cost barriers, encouraging consumers to explore premium offerings in manageable portions.

Innovation in the Wine Category

The trend of smaller formats is gaining traction even in traditionally packaged categories like wine. Fine wine, in particular, is benefiting from this innovative approach, allowing consumers to enjoy premium quality without compromising on moderation. 

The challenge of finishing a standard bottle within a short period is addressed by these smaller formats, enabling consumers to savor high-quality products without excess.

Independent Retailers and Online Offerings

Independent wine shops, such as Daygustation in east London, are adapting to this trend by offering handcrafted and fine wines in 100ml “taste tubes.” 

Online wine retailers like Naked Wines are also capitalizing on the demand by providing 100ml pouches for tasting events and launching innovative offerings like Advent calendars with sample-sized bottles.

Retailer Responses

Major retailers, including Tesco and Marks & Spencer, are witnessing increased sales of small wine bottles and cans, indicating a shift in consumer preferences.

Marks & Spencer reported a 30% year-on-year increase in sales of its small wine bottles (25cl), and similar growth was observed in wine cans. 

The availability of sparkling and still wines in half bottles caters to the evolving demands of consumers seeking quality in smaller portions.


The rise of taster bottles in the UK reflects a broader trend toward moderation and health-conscious choices among consumers. 

As the industry responds to these shifts, the combination of smaller formats and premium offerings is reshaping how consumers approach and enjoy their beverages, emphasizing quality over quantity.

James Adam

James Adam, a noted business writer for CEO Times Magazine, specializes in insightful industry analysis and executive profiles. Known for his clear, concise style, James offers readers an expert perspective on global business trends and market dynamics.

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